Good evening, Toad hangs when using "Send to Query Builder" from an editor window.I am using Toad for mySQL It becomes completely unresponsive. The task manager shows that it is using 5-18% cpu with normal amounts of memory and must be killed through the task manager. Simplier queries can be sent to Query Builder with ease. Please advice. My query is below. Thank you. - Jm ------------------------------ SELECT city, AVG(RATIO) as sAvgPayments, COUNT(RATIO) as sProperties, 69.0 * DEGREES(ACOS(COS(RADIANS(latpoint)) * COS(RADIANS(`prim_lat_dec`)) * COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS(`prim_long_dec`)) + SIN(RADIANS(latpoint)) * SIN(RADIANS(`prim_lat_dec`)))) AS distance_in_mi FROM i_usgs_geoname as ug, ( SELECT p.property_id, p.number, p.street,, MVnR.bedrooms, MVnR.bathrooms, (MVnR.value / MVnR.rentestimate) as RATIO FROM ( SELECT p.property_id, zgds.bedrooms, zgds.bathrooms, zgds.rentestimate, mv.value FROM z_gds zgds, property p, market_value mv, source_access sa WHERE p.property_id = zgds.property_id and p.property_id = mv.property_id and zgds.error_code is null and zgds.rentestimate is not null and zgds.finishedSqFt is not null and zgds.useCode 'Unknown' and zgds.useCode 'Mobile' and zgds.source_access_id = sa.source_access_id and sa.access_time = ( CURDATE() - INTERVAL 3 DAY ) and mv.value = 0 # Min Price and mv.value = 125000 # Max price group by p.property_id order by mv.market_value_id desc ) as MVnR, property p WHERE p.property_id = MVnR.property_id ORDER BY RATIO ) as D JOIN ( SELECT 37.718253 AS latpoint, -122.406973 AS longpoint, 10.0 AS r ) AS p WHERE feature_name = city AND feature_class = 'Populated Place' AND state_alpha = 'CA' GROUP BY ORDER BY sAvgPayments