There seems to be a bug in the schema comparison between servers. On one server I have a Default value of '' on a couple of columns, however comparing the the tables on different servers does NOT reveal the Toad It looks like the default '' that results in an empty string is completely omitted. Running the create statement on MySQL Workbench results in the following SQL statement - which has the DEFAULT '' as expected. CREATE TABLE `part` ( `partid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `specifier` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `serial` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `nonceid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1', `uuid` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'x', `guitype` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` varchar(300) DEFAULT '', `jsonconfig` varchar(10000) DEFAULT NULL, `dynpartref` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, `TZ` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`partid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=21634 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; Any help to get the schema comparison to include this string default would be great.